
Officials Assigning Website

Vermont Principals Association

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VBUA Uniform Supplier


Our Association


Revised October 2024


Article I - Name: This organization shall be known as the Northern Vermont Baseball Umpires



Article II - Purpose:

Sec. 1 - To promote and maintain a continuing program for the education and training of persons in the mechanics of umpiring, to learn the official interpretations, and to know the rules of baseball umpiring in the geographic area of Vermont served by the Association.

Sec. 2 - To see that each game served by this Association shall have the best-qualified umpires available.

Sec. 3 - To conduct and control each game consistent with the highest ideals of sportsmanship.

Sec. 4 - To cooperate with all other organizations connected with the game of baseball.


Article III - Membership:

Sec. 1 - Membership in this Association may be attained by filling out an application form, attending instruction classes, passing (70%) an examination, and paying an initiation fee set by the membership. .

A new member will become a probationary member.

Sec. 2 - Probationary members shall umpire for one calendar year, except where this requirement may be waived by approval of the Board of Directors.

Sec. 3 - On completion of probationary period, the applicant shall be either accepted or rejected by the membership. If accepted, the member will be an active member who is a full working member, entitled to vote, to be elected to office and appointed to committees.

Sec. 4 - An inactive member shall retain that status only by continued payment of dues. However, under certain conditions and by written request, the Association may waive such payment of dues and/or declare a moratorium of any assessments. Any member who is unable to accept regular assignments, due to working conditions, is an inactive member. Any member wishing to be placed on the inactive list must submit a request in writing to the Association at any regular meeting. It shall be the duty of all members to notify the Association in writing that said member desires to leave the Association either permanently or for leave of absence. Members making such requests shall be in good standing at the time the request is made.

Sec. 5 - Honorary membership may be awarded by the membership of this Association, to those who have been active members and have distinguished themselves in baseball. They will pay no dues and will have all rights of membership.


Article IV - Officers:

Sec. 1 - This Association shall be committed to its duly elected officers who are also the Board of Directors, and members in good standing.

Sec. 2 - The officers of this Association shall be the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Director-at-Large.

Sec. 3 - The president shall be the administrative officer of the Association, whose duties include the following:

a). Conduct all regular and special meetings, to maintain order at all times, to call special meetings, to appoint all special and temporary committees.

b). Assign such members to assist in discharging these duties; to make all assignments of members to games and leagues; with the approval of the membership, shall appoint and authorize payment of such persons as deemed necessary by the membership.

c). May inspect the work of any umpire deemed necessary and offer such assistance and instructions as such umpire may require.

d). Shall recommend to the Board of Directors appropriate disciplinary action for any umpire violating the By-Laws of this Association.

e). Shall appoint a Nominating Committee at the meeting prior to the last meeting of the year. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to select members for proposed offices. The Nominating Committee selections shall be read to the membership and any further nominations shall be recognized by the President

Sec. 4 - The Vice President shall preside in absence of, or resignation of, the President. The Vice president shall discharge the duties of the President when called upon by the President and shall assist the President in duties when necessary.

Sec. 5 - The Treasurer shall handle all dues, special assessments, forfeits, and money paid into this Association and shall be authorized to expend such amounts of money as authorized by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall, at the end of each season, present to the President a list of all delinquent members. The Treasurer shall, at the beginning of each term of office and not later than the annual meeting, give a complete written financial report of the Association business for the past year. The Treasurer shall receive a voucher from all committees, members who are in charge of various leagues, and/or any other members, who pay to the Association dues, fees, fines, and assessments.

Sec. 6 - The Secretary shall be custodian of all records of communication and properties of the Association; notify all members of dates and place of all meetings; attend to the reading of minutes of meetings, making a copy of the same for a permanent record and the distribution of minutes; have roll call for all members at meetings.

Sec. 7 - The Director-at-Large shall represent the general membership at all Executive Committee meetings.

Sec. 8 - The Board of Directors of this Association shall have only the power expressly given to it by the membership; shall have the power to determine and enforce the status of an umpire, in writing, as to the person’s status. The Board shall meet at the call of the President, which shall be open to all members, and consider matters coming before the Association membership, making recommendations where necessary. The Board shall examine and question new members, making recommendations to the membership, thereby acting as an advisory council.

Sec. 9 - The election of officers shall be held at the last meeting of the year. Each officer will be elected separately, and each office shall remain open for nominations until said officer is elected. All officers shall be elected by the membership that is present. All officers shall assume office at the first meeting following their election.

Sec. 10 - The offices for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director-at-Large will be for a two year period. The President and Treasurer will be elected in the odd years and the Secretary and Director-at-Large will be elected in the even years. The President shall not hold office for more than two consecutive elected terms of two years. The other officers may succeed themselves in office if so elected.

Sec. 11 - An Interpreter may be appointed by the Board of Directors, with the approval of the membership and shall be responsible for giving the official interpretations of the rules to all members. The Interpreter may conduct the annual rules clinic for all umpires and coaches; hold a clinic for the members on the techniques and mechanics of umpiring; inform all members of any changes in rules during the season, contact the National office for any interpretations of the rules that cannot be decided at the local level; give the written examination to the applicants according to the rules of the National Federation of State High Schools; notify applicants as to the results of the test.


Article V - Meetings

Sec. 1 - There shall be at least three meetings during the season; two at the beginning of the season and one after the season in the fall. Special meetings may be called by the President or by majority of the Board, recorded by the Secretary.

Sec. 2 - One-third of the members, including two officers, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Association, which has been duly warned to all members.


Article VI - Rule Books and Uniform Patches

Sec. 1 - The Association will supply a limited number Federation Rulebooks and Federation Casebooks each year at the spring meeting. NHFA rulebooks are available for free on the NHFA App. All other rulebooks shall be purchased by the individual umpire.

Sec. 2 - Members can purchase required embroidered uniform shirts and hats from the officially licensed retailer as chosen by the Board.


Article VII - Amendments

Proposed amendments to the By-Laws may be made at any time in writing to the Secretary.  (Any proposed amendment to the By-Laws made to any other Board member shall be forwarded to the Secretary.)  The Secretary shall provide notice to all members of the Association of a proposed amendment and that it will be voted upon at the next regular meeting or special meeting, after this initial notice. If the majority of the members, at a meeting, vote in favor of such amendment or amendments these By-Laws shall be so amended.  All members shall be notified of such changes.

The Secretary shall give written notice to all members of the Association that the proposed amendment will be voted upon at the next regular meeting or special meeting. If the majority of the members, at a meeting, vote in favor of such amendment or amendments these By-Laws shall be so amended. All members shall be notified of such changes.


Article VIII - Assignments

Sec. 1 - All members shall accept the games assigned by the Association. The member shall not alter or trade with another member unless specifically authorized by the President or his designee. When an assignment has been accepted and the member is unable to complete the assignment, it shall be the duty of the member to notify the Association in time, so that an alternate may be assigned.

Sec 2 - When a member must cancel an assignment, it must be done by 6:00 PM two days prior to the date of the scheduled game. If this is not done or an appropriate alternate cannot be found, a fine equating to one half of the game fee may be imposed. Members may petition the Board of Directions to waive a fine if extraordinary circumstances prevented the member from completing the assignment.

Sec. 3 - When an assigned member works a game alone, the member will be paid one and one-half the rate for that game.

Sec. 4 - The Association recognizes other umpiring groups. However, any member or prospective member accepting the duties and privileges of this Association and continues to remain or joins another umpiring group or works independently, shall consider duty first to this Association.

Sec, 5 - It shall be the duty of all members to report the activity of any suspended umpire to the President and never work with the suspended umpire.

Sec. 6 - Each member should report to their assigned game not less than 30 minutes before the starting time.

Sec. 7 - No member shall accept a game or games from a team or league or any unit of baseball at a rate lower than the Association minimum fee


Article IX - Uniforms

All members shall wear a uniform to all games. The uniform will consist of black shoes with black laces, blue or black socks, Grey trousers, black belt, pro-mesh navy blue polo short sleeve shirt with

Association patch sewn on left pocket, navy blue or red tee shirt when worn, no ties, navy blue umpire coat or standard windbreakers with Association patch on left pocket area, or navy blue long sleeve V-neck umpire sweater with Association patch on left pocket area, and navy blue hat. Optional cold weather clothing includes tight fitting dark gloves, blue turtle neck undershirt, coat and/or sweater.

Base and plate umpires wear should be consistent. Optional powder blue shirt may be worn for summer games. The uniform is to be worn at all scheduled games. New members may substitute a blue windbreaker and pants for the uniform. The new member will be expected to purchase the uniform after two years’ membership.  No cell phones or PDA devices should be carried or used during the game.


Article X - Penalties:

Sec. 1 - Any member accused of an act harmful and/or detrimental to this Association, including but not limited to defaming or undue criticism of another member, accepting games at a fee lower than the Association fee, unauthorized trading games with another member, multiple cancellation of assigned games within a season, and/or umpiring with a known suspended umpire, shall have a complete investigation by the Board of Directors. If said member is found guilty, the member shall be subject to fine or suspension or both.

Sec. 2 - Any member found guilty can appeal to special appeal board of three persons; one designated by the Board of Directors, one by the individual concerned, a third appointed by the other two parties. After due consideration, this special appeal board shall make its findings known in a joint meeting with the Board of Directors. After this consideration, the Board of Directors’ judgment will be final.